Thursday, May 26, 2011

Barefoot Mud Marathon

Two weeks ago I attended a barefoot mud marathon in Daejeon with Dong-yun. It was not quite what I expected, but a lot of fun nonetheless. Since the bus from Daegu to Daejeon left really early in the morning, Dong-yun and I just went up on Friday and stayed in Daejeon the whole weekend. Since it's Dong-yun's hometown, we stayed with her very kind family, especially her sister, who put us up.

We spent the weekend with Dong-yun's cousin, Yoon-ju, her friend, Hye-jin (not to be confused with my co-teacher Hye-jin, although they have the exact same name), and Hye-jin's roomate, an American foreign teacher named Aynsley, all very cool people. Since Yoon-ju is an artist, she also kindly led us in an art project on Saturday. It took a long time, but it was awesome, and very generous of her to give her time and tools.

Pictures under the cut.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Children's Day

Actually, this was two weeks ago. Children's Day is a holiday here, and since schools are closed, we get the day off. Our school was having midterms the week of Children's Day, so it was an easy week (for teachers) all around. Mrs. Yu's highschool was having some kind of reunion hike on a famous mountain, and she asked me to come along. Since Children's Day fell on a Thursday, I went to Mrs. Yu's house on Wednesday night and stayed with her. On Thursday, we did the hike. Friday morning we came to school together, then I went with Dong-yun to see a National Geographic photo exhibition. Then both Dong-yun and I returned to Mrs. Yu's house to sleep over, and we all came to school again on Saturday morning. Even though it wasn't one of my working Saturdays, I ended up staying at school all day.

The mountain is famous for being covered with rhododendren bushes, which look like a pink sea when in bloom. Sadly, they were not in bloom. We were just a week or two early. Major bummer. The hike was still very nice, however.

Photos after the cut.